I’m Finished. Now What?

Choice 1

Read the following quote.  What does this quote mean to you?  Design and create a banner with statements/sayings about positive attitudes.

Most folks are about as happy as they make up their mind to be.
– Abraham Lincoln

Choice 2

Create a collage of words and pictures to show ways you would like to improve your self-concept.  Include a description to describe one change you would like to make and ways you plan to make the change.

Think about your presentation of your collage and description.

Will you use bulletin board paper, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Wordle . . .? It is up to you!


Choice 3

Gather Quotes

Find quotations about being positive, taking care of oneself, or having a strong self concept.  Use these quotes to add to our class display.

For example:



Think about:

  • how you will find quotes.
  • what is your criteria for determining which quotes you will use.
  • which quote is your favorite.  Why?
  • how you will present/display these quotes.



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